Class Booking (Full Mobile App Similar to ClassPass)

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Modular Design: Use 20+ ready-to-go components to add even more functionality to your app.

Custom Google Places: Take advantage of custom-made Google Places integration for location-based services.

Eye-catching Shimmer Effects: Give your app a polished look with custom-made Shimmer effects.

Personalized Icon Pack: Add a touch of elegance with our exclusive, custom icon pack.

Adopted Theme Widgets: Consistency is key. Our widgets are designed to seamlessly blend into the Flutterflow theme.

Fully Component-Based: Flexibility to mix and match components as you build your app.

Action Blocks: Easy-to-integrate action blocks to add logic to your components.

Best UI/UX Practices: A user-friendly design, keeping in line with the best UI/UX practices in Flutterflow.

…and more!: Discover additional features on our special features page 👉

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