Custom Google Maps Markers


The CustomGoogleMapsMarkers widget is a customizable Flutter widget designed to display Google Maps with custom markers. It serves as a versatile tool for integrating dynamic maps with tailored markers into Flutter applications.

Key Features:

Custom Marker Support: The widget enables the display of custom markers on the Google Map. Users can specify the latitude and longitude coordinates for each marker, along with custom icons to represent various points of interest.

Dynamic Marker Generation: It dynamically generates markers based on the provided lists of marker coordinates and icon names. This feature allows for the seamless integration of multiple markers with diverse customizations.

Asynchronous Asset Loading: The widget asynchronously loads marker icons from asset images stored within the project’s directory. This ensures efficient resource utilization and smooth rendering of custom markers on the map.

User Interaction Handling: Users can interact with markers by tapping on them, triggering a callback function specified by the parent widget. This interaction capability enhances the user experience by enabling seamless navigation or information retrieval for selected map locations.

Customization Options: The widget offers various customization options, including enabling/disabling zoom gestures and zoom controls. This flexibility empowers developers to tailor the map’s behavior to suit specific application requirements and user preferences.

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