Custom Image Crop


Crop Image from FFUploadedFile: It gives a starting point for handing crop image function in the app, its basic code just to provide the starting point for getting started and understanding the structure. Limited support to large image file.

The ImageCropper widget accepts an FFUploadedFile containing the image data to be cropped. This ensures that the widget directly operates on the uploaded file.

Assign Page Parameter and Page Name:

When the cropping is completed (_finished function), the cropped image data is prepared for transfer to the next page.

We can assigns the nextPageParameterName (provided as a parameter) and specifies the nextPage (destination page) to pass the cropped image.

Passing Cropped Image to Next Page:

It utilizes the context.pushNamed method to navigate to the next page (widget.nextPage) while passing the cropped image data as a parameter using the specified parameter name (widget.nextPageParameterName).
Handling Navigation:

The navigation to the next page occurs after the user confirms the cropping via the “Done” button (_finished function).

Optionally, users can edit the cropped image or perform additional actions before confirming the crop.

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